The Masculinist #54: Taking the Red Pill

The correct red pill response to these tests is often highly counter-intuitive. The most famous response technique in the Game arsenal is “Agree and Amplify.” So if a woman says something like, “You just want to have sex with me,” the red pilled man would say something like, “Babe, I don’t just want you for sex. I want your money too.” Or if a woman asks the infamous, “Do I look fat in this dress?” question, the right answer is not something like, “Of course not, honey. You’re so beautiful!”  Rather, it would be to grin, spread your arms as wide as possible, and say, “Huuuuuge, baby!” This assumes she is not actually overweight, of course. And the key in all these interactions is to “hold frame” if she seems to initially be offended by the man’s answer.

For a guy interested in having sex with women, Game would teach that it’s actually better to come across as something of a scumbag than as potential boyfriend or husband material. If you seem like a potential boyfriend, this will only cause her to delay getting sexual in order to make sure she doesn’t come across as a slut. In other words, the pickup artist wants to trigger her alpha seed desires vs. her beta need ones. So in their view it’s actually important to avoid being seen as a “good man!”

Another important concept is to maintain an abundance mentality and not a scarcity one. This is a staple of mainstream self-improvement teachings of course. In the red pill context, it means seeking to become “outcome indifferent.” That is, if a woman you walk up to in a club rejects you, it’s no big deal. There are plenty more out there. In fact, it’s probably her loss. Above all, a man should avoid…

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An Army of the Lonely

This 2017 article on the legion lonely from Hazlitt magazine makes a number of great observations about the growth and nature of loneliness in today’s world. I probably took note of this piece when it originally came out, but it’s worth revisit. I’d encourage you to read it and I’ll also share some excerpts.

The article starts by noting the 1995 heatwave that killed over 700 largely older people in Chicago. I was living there at the time and remembered it well, but never recall anyone noting the fact that more men than women died, even though there are more elderly women than men in Chicago.

What made these men more vulnerable than the women? It wasn’t physical circumstances. Both groups lived mostly in “single room occupancy” buildings, or SROs—apartments of one room in what used to be called flophouses. It was social circumstances. The phrase “No known relatives” appears repeatedly in police reports of the dead men’s homes. Letters of regret were found on floors and in backs of drawers: “I would like to see you if that’s possible, when you come to the city”; “It seems to me that our family should have gotten along.” The single rooms of the deceased are described as “roach infested” and “a complete mess,” indicating few or no visitors. The women, according to Eric Klinenberg, who wrote a book on the heat wave, had people who checked up on them and so kept them alive; the men did not. “When you have time please come visit me soon at my place,” read another letter, unsent.

The author sees that he himself may be on a path that leads to a more lonely future existence.

Is this my future?  At first glance it seems unlikely. I’m 34. I have what seems to me a pretty active…

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A fatty liver, don’t have one.

Many lines of evidence support this. Some do not.

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Liposuction: surgical removal of subcutaneous fat (frequently for aesthetic purposes). It’s the physical removal of adipose tissue and thus fat storing capacity in the relatively “safe” subcutaneous region. This causes fat to be stored elsewhere, “ectopically,” in places like liver.


There’s also cryolipolysis, but we’ll get into that later.

Short and long-term effects of abdominal lipectomy on weight and fat mass in women (Seretis et al., 2015)

For the rest of this article and more, head over to Patreon! Five bucks a month for access to this and all previous articles. 16% off for annual subscriptions! It’s ad-free and you can cancel if it sucks 

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Real Mushrooms makes great extracts. 10% off with coupon code LAGAKOS. I recommend Lion’s Mane for the brain and Reishi for everything else

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Classical Education Is Not Enough – Podcast #41

Conservatives and Christians are very enamored of classical education. Studying the classics, the American founding, etc. are important things to do. But there are other important areas that people living in today’s world. These items, including intersexual dynamics, the impact of industrialization, the revolution in scale, and the implications of mass media are often understudied. This leaves conservatives with key blind spots.

This episode also includes further thoughts on playing for keeps and whether or not pastors should use packaged sermons, research assistants, or other help.

You can subscribe to the podcast on Apple PodcastsYouTube, and elsewhere. Check out the other podcasts here.

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Baked Keto Fried Zucchini Chips

These Keto Fried Zucchini Chips are a great low-carb appetizer, snack, or side dish that can be fried in oil or simply baked.


It’s zucchini season and what better way to use up this garden veggie than to make fried zucchini! These Keto Fried Zucchini Chips are super tasty, gluten-free, and perfect for sharing…or not, we won’t judge

Chips or fries?

You can easily make these zucchini chips into zucchini fries! Instead of slicing the zucchini into rounds, simply cut it into fry shapes. The method and the bake time will be the same.

A note on air-frying

Can these Keto Fried Zucchini Chips be made in an air-fryer? Probably, but we haven’t tested it. If you do, please leave your results in the comments below!

Ingredients in this Keto Fried Zucchini Recipe

  • 3 large zucchini, cut into ¼” rounds
  • 1 cup Bob’s Red Mill Super-Fine Almond Flour – this is our go-to almond flour as it’s blanched and very finely ground so it sticks really well for breading!
  • ¼ cup grated parmesan cheese – regular or vegan, for a vegan option we like VioLife
  • 1 cup unsweetened plain almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch – this affects the net carbs a very negligible amount and you’ll even have some of the slurry mixture left over.
  • ½ teaspoon garlic salt (or garlic powder + sea salt)
  • 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
  • Cooking spray (or avocado oil if frying and not baking)
  • Marinara, for serving – be sure to opt for a sugar-free kind or…

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The Decline in American Friendships

David Cox, a pollster at AEI, recently tweeted a chart that got some viral pickup showing declines in the number of friends American’s have.

Since 1990, there’s been a sharp uptick in the percentage of both men and women who say they have no close friends. That’s now up to 15% of all men. There’s also been a big drop in the share who report having a lot (10+) of close friends.

This is in line with much of the reporting and discussion we’ve read about growing loneliness in recent years. It goes to show that despite economic advances, American society has retrogressed in important ways.

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